Sunday, September 4, 2011

And so it starts...

I have never been good with words. I often find myself stuck when I try to put my thoughts onto paper. With this blog I don’t really know how it will turn out. It’s really just something I choose to play around with and maybe some good will come out of it? Who knows. 

I carry around a tiny red moleskine (sounds creepy, lol) to jot down any ideas that pop into my head. Most of the words that come to mind tend to be just motivational or describe a certain situation. Perhaps to some they make no sense at all or maybe it’s an epiphany to others.  I’ve never really shown any of my writings because I don’t want to sound like a whiney emo kid. Rofl, but I feel whatever I write is not really “emo”. It’s meant to be optimistic, positive, hopeful and anything but unenthusiastic.

Well, here goes nothing….

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